Will there be a replacement Rizki, or simply by additional personnel until now Alexa has not found a bright spot. They are still considering all possibilities.
"We again nyiapin concept. For Cerita Dewasa Mantan pacar lama ku without a clear Rizki definitely changed. Is an additional player or how to use it again dipikirin together," the drummer said when talking with detikhot Dawn.
Each month of Ramadan comes, Alexa always spend more time with family and being together. The opportunity was also utilized singer hits 'Do not Ever Go' is to think carefully.
"Not so far. Still in the discussion really. Alexa if the fasting month is so much more intimate kekeluargaannya. Yes as you go along, while mikirinlah," explained Dawn.
While looking for the right formula, Cerita Dewasa Mantan pacar lama ku Alexa will also prepare a new single from the album 'Second Edition'. Alexa plans to shoot a video clip 'As Kumampu' next week.
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